Managing a Decided Request
After John has decided, Sheila can see his decisions in her acivity plan. Sheila must then rework the spends that have not been approved. Her goal is to get all the spends approved.

Approved spends are marked green and you can no longer edit them, nor can you edit the properties on the Details panel of the line item or placeholder.
Spends that are marked orange must be edited. To do this, the releaser usually leaves a comment. You can edit both the amount and the properties of the line item on the Details panel . Then you request the approval again.
If a spend is rejected, it is highlighted in red and crossed out. If the line item or placeholder is still to be used in planning or forecasting, return it to the editable state. After editing, you can request approval again.

If you need to adjust an approved amount, you make a change request. The authorized colleague processes this change request like an initial approval request. The cell in the investments grid is highlighted in black.
In the case of a change request, the deciding colleague can only approve or reject. In any case, after the decision, the cell is displayed again with the green bar. The cell contains the requested amount if your colleague has agreed to the change request. If not, the previous amount is displayed.